A few days ago, as I awakened, I heard,
"Prepare Your Bride! Go!!"
I heard the enthusiasm of the Father speaking to the Son as He gave the command for the Bride of Christ to be prepared to come forth in this hour.

This is NOT the snatching away, but rather the preparation for the public eye that the Warrior Bride Arising has carefully been trained for, for some time now. She has been tested, tried, and come forth as gold and she is being brought forth to take her place on the worlds stage among the nations. She is coming forth gleaming white and pure in the breezeway of the Holy Spirit...
Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Son say:
The enemy was not happy and was scurrying as his fears of Kingdom dominion by the righteous was suddenly realized. A flurry could be seen as a tornado in the spirit realm as both the spiritual realm and the Holy Spirit moved powerfully at the same time. The Holy Spirit is now preparing the way and the path for those who are to be brought forth in very public spaces now.

I heard angels being dispatched to imbue the glory of God upon those that were prepared. These ones have been undergoing the "class" of the Spirit and have graduated with "diplomas" of gifting. They are walking in power and authority that makes the demons run in terror. These graduates know who they are in Christ, and they are seriously taking the Kingdom in power and by force. This world will be taking notice of them very soon as they are individually prepared and take their rightful place among the nations.
I heard the Lord saying:
"My banner over her is Love. She came from the valley of tears, piercing it, leaning on her Beloved, bright, proud, and bold!"

"My beautiful Bride, I know you felt the night would never end, but through the pain of trial and testing, you have emerged even more beautiful than you began. "Better" has you now. You are Mine! I am presenting my beautiful, warrior Bride, the crown of her Husband. She is crowned in glory to do the works that I have prepared before the foundation of the world for her to do."
"Mirroring me in every way. She is arising! She is a sight to behold! An army of warriors. High warriors, with rank, position, and integrity. You have made Me very proud, My Dear. I am sending you out into the harvest of souls where the Spirit leads you and will refresh you wherever you go. Boldly do the greater works for My Glory. You have been raised up for such a time as this, My Love!"
"Be courageous, BRAVE, and ROAR LOUDER than you ever have, for your Maker is Your Husband and I ROAR WITH YOU!"

"You carry My LOVE to all mankind, and you take with You the praise of my Glory in your hearts and minds, and also in the Power within you. Let the earth fade beneath your feet as You arise, My beautiful, spotless Bride! You are a diamond light in the midst of roaring darkness! Shine, My Beloved One, SHINE! You shall surely outshine the darkness!"
As I heard this, I also heard 2 Corinthians 3:10-12 pop into my head:
"For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts! Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold!"
2 Corinthians 3:10-12

Be very Bold, Bride! The Lion of Judah backs You!!
